Asking for help is often the hardest part, particularly for younger women who might find it uncomfortable talking about gynaecological issues. We’re here to help as much or as little as you need.
Some common issues you might be facing include:
Going through puberty can be challenging and it can be difficult to know if what you are experiencing is ‘normal’. If you’re not sure whether you really have a problem, we are more than happy to discuss your concerns in an open and honest manner. This discussion may confirm your suspicions and we can advise on appropriate treatment, or it may simply give you the reassurance you need to prevent any further unnecessary anxiety.
If you have a specific enquiry for our WHRIA specialists
Click HereWe understand that coming in to see a doctor who specialises in gynaecology can be a daunting prospect, and you’re welcome to bring along a relative or friend for support, or simply come alone if you’d prefer. We’ll take you into a private consultation room to discuss the issue that is troubling you and how it is impacting your life. We’ll also ask you a few questions about your general health, any medications you take and if there are any health problems in your family. Please bring along any test results you think might be relevant.
A physical examination may or may not be performed, depending on the problem and only if you give consent. Typically, this includes checking your height and weight, and may also include an assessment of your sexual development (such as looking at the development of your breasts and pubic hair). You won’t need to have a pelvic examination performed unless you are already sexually active and only if it is needed to thoroughly assess the issue you have raised.
If at any time throughout the consultation you are uncomfortable and wish to stop, you just need to tell us.
In some cases, we may need to send you on to a specialist for further tests, such as blood tests or an ultrasound of your pelvis.
Once we have conducted a thorough evaluation, we can discuss your diagnosis and management options. You should ask as many questions as you need to, and don’t be afraid to ask us to repeat anything you don’t understand. We’ll then agree on your treatment and follow-up plan.
If you have a specific enquiry for our WHRIA specialists
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