Pain is among the foremost complaints of women seeking gynaecological consultation, yet the diagnosis is often limited to endometriosis. Chronic Pelvic Pain discusses how to diagnose a broad scope of underlying conditions presenting in relation to pelvic pain in women and their treatment.
Solid evidence now shows that understanding why we hurt will help us heal. The NOIgroup from Adelaide are leading the world in helping people follow a scientifically-based route to recovery from pain. Read this brilliant book, arm yourself with knowledge and use the Protectometer Handbook each day to follow a scientific route to recovery. Buy your copy at www.NOIgroup.com
The Agency for Clinical Innovation has developed an amazing collection of information in all formats: videos, downloads, networks, links and more.
The website is designed to help you gain a better understanding of your pain. The site contains information to enable you to develop skills and knowledge in the self-management of your pain in partnership with your healthcare providers.
The eCentre Clinic is specialist research clinic and a not-for-profit initiative of Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. State-of-the-art free online treatment Courses for people with symptoms of worry (GAD), panic, social anxiety (Social Phobia), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), stress, depression, low mood and other health conditions including chronic pain. They offer FREE access to these treatment courses via participation in clinical trials, throughout the year.
Listen to WHRIA’s Prof Eden, Gynaecologist & Reproductive Endocrinologist speak about the latest available hormonal treatments for menopause and the relationship to breast cancer. He updates us on the facts and it is reassuring to learn that many treatments are safe for menopausal symptoms and women no longer need to suffer, even if you are a breast cancer survivor.
Endometriosis, a chronic painful disease, can be effectively managed but requires varied interventions.
These videos feature experienced specialists including WHRIA’s Sherin Jarvis, and a wide range of patient interviews. Whether you’re a health professional or a person living with Endo, you’ll benefit from this evidence-based information.
These resources are supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health.
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